Website Terms of Use

Copyrights and Trademarks

Copyrights for all content on this website (text, photographs, movies, audio recordings, etc.), and trademarks for all items on this website (trademarked names, company names, logos, etc.), belong to BEMAC Corporation (hereafter, "BEMAC") and/or relevant BEMAC Group companies, partner companies and/or other copyright or trademark holders, and are thus protected under copyright law, trademark law and other relevant laws. As follows, no reproduction, reprinting, or other such usage is allowed without permission.


We provide no guarantee of accuracy, usefulness, reliability and so forth for any content on this website. BEMAC takes no responsibility for any damages incurred through the use of this website. Site operation, content and so forth for this website are subject to change or discontinuation without prior notice.

Links to This Website

Creation of links (hyperlinks) to this website are permitted as long as link creators adhere to the usage requirements stipulated on this website. We refuse the following such links:

・Any link that causes damage or loss, or poses the risk of damage or loss, to BEMAC, any BEMAC Group company, or any partner/related company
・Any link that harms the reliability, reputation or position of BEMAC or any partner/related company
・Any link that BEMAC otherwise deems inappropriate